How does LÉINE (Lay-nah) work? What’s the process?

1. Choose your Service

Included is a free consultation (optional), unlimited communication with our Style Consultants, one revision round, and a color analysis, which takes into consideration your hair color, skin tone, undertone, and more.

2. Book Now by Submitting a Contact Form

This lets us know what service you are looking for and how we can begin to customize your lookbook just for you. We can’t wait to get to know you better!

3. Complete Confidential Style Intake Form

Within 24 hours of submitting your contact form, you’ll receive your Style Intake form. You can share your preferred sizing, style preferences, budget, body type, place of venue, occasion, style icons, etc; which will be used to create your one-of-a-kind lookbook.

4. Receive Lookbook and Shop

Within 7 days, you’ll receive a carefully curated lookbook with shoppable links. We’re excited to see your vision brought to life!

Does LÉINE ship me clothes? Do I have to buy everything?

The simple answer is no. We are not a subscription company that sends you a box of clothes and we do not hold inventory. What you will receive is a curated lookbook with shoppable links and a color analysis, catered exclusively to your personal style—you buy the items you love.

What brands does LÉINE work with? What’s the cost of each piece included in my lookbook?

Unless specified in your Style Intake form, we scour the Internet for the pieces we believe will bring your vision to life, from fast fashion to designer brands. If you’re a fan of secondhand items, we can incorprate that into the search, as well. Your budget is also taken into consideration when creating your shoppable lookbook.

What if I’m not satisfied with the options provided in my shoppable lookbook?

We’re hopeful our extensive Style Intake form and free consultation will provide an accurate depiction of what you’re searching for. If you’re a first time client with us, and we’re still getting to know you, you’ll receive a free one round revision… on the house!

Can I see an example of a lookbook before I purchase a service?

Absolutely! For proprietary reasons, we are currently keeping our lookbooks under wraps, but you can certainly see an example by contacting us. We look forward to hearing from you and getting your service started!

Am I required to use the free consultation that is included as part of my package?

No—the Style Intake form will provide us with a detailed picture of what you’re looking for and help us learn about your current style. A note that the free consultation can be done via text, as well, if that is what works for your schedule.